Turning Head Antennas with a continuous azimuth travel range of up to 240° are available. Full Motion Antennas with or without a third tilting axis are used for LEO/MEO/HEO applications in S/X/K-band and such as remote sensing, whereas the Turning Head Antennas are usually required in high power, single-station ranging or TT&C facilities.
Antennas with reflectors up to 35m in diameter are available.
Both antenna types have backlash-free drive systems and accomplish very precise pointing and tracking tasks.
Feed systems and electronics for nearly all frequency bands can be supplied.
Monitoring & Control systems developed by CPI VERTEX ANTENNENTECHNIK GmbH are used to remotely control complete ground station facilities.
Turnkey solutions, which include the entire RF system with TM/TC/ranging processors or high-data rate receivers originating from any third party can be provided.